Monday, November 5, 2007

Senate preference flows - NSW

Some interesting preference deals have been struck in the senate. Unlike the House of Representative preference deals that are only a guide, these deals actually matter. Unless you want to number every square below the line then you are only to vote 1 in one square above the line and your preferences are distributed based on the "Group Voting Ticket" lodged by each party in each state. All the group voting tickets for each state are available here

Today well will be looking at the NSW group voting tickets.
One of, if not the strangest is the Climate Change Coalition preferencing the fishing party in 3rd place the Democrats and What Women Want.

In good news for the Carer's Alliance they've been placed high up on a lot of tickets, including first by Family First, 4th by the Liberals/Nationals group ticket, 6th by the Climate Change Coalition, 1st by Senator-Online. 2nd by the Democrats, 3rd by one Nation. The list goes on.

Let's take a look at how the major parties and some minor parties are preferencing.

1 COONAN Helen Liberal Party
2 WILLIAMS John National Party
3 PAYNE Marise Liberal Party
4 LEES Murray National Party
5 McGAHEY Vicky Liberal Party
6 CURRIE Carolyn Liberal Party
7 GREEN Paul Christian Democrats
8 NILE Elaine Christian Democrats
9 LOTFIZADEH Allan Christian Democrats
10 PILT Peter Christian Democrats
11 YORK Bruce Christian Democrats
12 MARKWELL Andrew Family First
13 GRAY Kathy Family First
14 CARTER Marylou Carers Alliance
15 BROWN Nell Carers Alliance
16 CLARK Katrina Carers Alliance
17 MOCKLER Mary Carers Alliance
18 BRIDGE Garth Fishing Party
19 PATERSON Stewart Fishing Party
20 McNEALL Richard Keith Conservatives for Climate and Environment
21 MAXFIELD James David Conservatives for Climate and Environment
22 BORSAK Robert Australian Shooters Party
23 SHAW Robert Australian Shooters Party
24 MUIRHEAD Jim Australian Shooters Party
25 HESTELOW Andrew Australian Fishing and Lifestyle Party
26 MORGAN Thomas Idris Australian Fishing and Lifestyle Party
27 PETERSEN Terje Liberty and Democracy Party
28 BEREGSZASZI Janos Liberty and Democracy Party
29 TINYOW Walter Independent
30 CHAN Maria Independent
31 NEWELL Patrice Climate Change Coalition
32 KRUSZELNICKI Karl Climate Change Coalition
33 CAINES Justine What Women Want
34 ROBINSON Janette What Women Want
35 McLENNAN Toni Hear Our Voice
36 CARROLL Lindsay Hear Our Voice
37 BRYCE Ian R Independent
38 AUGUST John P Independent
39 REILLY Pat Senator On-Line
40 DER SARKISSIAN Berge Senator On-Line
41 O'DONOHUE Michael Democratic Labor Party
42 O'DONOHUE Terence Markham Democratic Labor Party
43 WOLDRING Klaas Independent
44 BRADLEY Max Independent
45 GEREMIN John Non-Custodial Parents
46 FOSTER Roland Non-Custodial Parents
47 SHUMACK Lyn Australian Democrats
48 KING David Australian Democrats
49 PATERSON Brett Australian Democrats
50 NADAS Paula Independent
51 LEVY Curtis Independent
52 NERO Silvana Independent
53 STEFANAC Jennifer Independent
54 NETTLE Kerry Greens
55 SHOEBRIDGE David Greens
56 ELLA-DUNCAN Marcia Greens
57 MUNDEY Jack Greens
58 HO Christina Greens
59 HEILPERN Sandra Greens
60 ARBIB Mark Labor Party
61 CAMERON Doug Labor Party
62 STEPHENS Ursula Labor Party
63 ESBER Pierre Labor Party
64 SEATON Fiona Labor Party
65 JAMES Pauline Labor Party
66 BAINBRIDGE Alex Socialist Alliance
67 PRICE Susan Socialist Alliance
68 EMANUEL Kamala Socialist Alliance
69 DOBSON Tim Socialist Alliance
70 BEAMS Nick Socialist Equality party
71 DIVJAK Carol Socialist Equality party
72 BURSTON Brian Pauline's United Australia Party
73 CARTER John E Pauline's United Australia Party
74 LAWLER Ann Citizens Electoral Council
75 McCAFFREY Ian David Citizens Electoral Council
76 NEWSON Judith One Nation
77 WEBBER Andrew One Nation
78 BUSSA Peter One Nation
79 FREW Andy One Nation
1 ARBIB Mark Labor Party
2 CAMERON Doug Labor Party
3 STEPHENS Ursula Labor Party
4 ESBER Pierre Labor Party
5 SEATON Fiona Labor Party
6 JAMES Pauline Labor Party
7 NETTLE Kerry Greens
8 SHOEBRIDGE David Greens
9 ELLA-DUNCAN Marcia Greens
10 MUNDEY Jack Greens
11 HO Christina Greens
12 HEILPERN Sandra Greens
13 NEWELL Patrice Climate Change Coalition
14 KRUSZELNICKI Karl Climate Change Coalition
15 REILLY Pat Senator On-Line
16 DER SARKISSIAN Berge Senator On-Line
17 O'DONOHUE Michael Democratic Labor Party
18 O'DONOHUE Terence Markham Democratic Labor Party
19 BORSAK Robert Australian Shooters Party
20 SHAW Robert Australian Shooters Party
21 MUIRHEAD Jim Australian Shooters Party
22 HESTELOW Andrew Australian Fishing and Lifestyle Party
23 MORGAN Thomas Idris Australian Fishing and Lifestyle Party
24 PETERSEN Terje Liberty and Democracy Party
25 BEREGSZASZI Janos Liberty and Democracy Party
26 CAINES Justine What Women Want
27 ROBINSON Janette What Women Want
28 SHUMACK Lyn Australian Democrats
29 KING David Australian Democrats
30 PATERSON Brett Australian Democrats
31 GREEN Paul Christian Democrats
32 NILE Elaine Christian Democrats
33 LOTFIZADEH Allan Christian Democrats
34 PILT Peter Christian Democrats
35 YORK Bruce Christian Democrats
36 WOLDRING Klaas Independent
37 BRADLEY Max Independent
38 TINYOW Walter Independent
39 CHAN Maria Independent
40 BRYCE Ian R Independent
41 AUGUST John P Independent
42 NADAS Paula Independent
43 LEVY Curtis Independent
44 NERO Silvana Independent
45 STEFANAC Jennifer Independent
46 CARTER Marylou Carers Alliance
47 BROWN Nell Carers Alliance
48 CLARK Katrina Carers Alliance
49 MOCKLER Mary Carers Alliance
50 BAINBRIDGE Alex Socialist Alliance
51 PRICE Susan Socialist Alliance
52 EMANUEL Kamala Socialist Alliance
53 DOBSON Tim Socialist Alliance
54 BEAMS Nick Socialist Equality party
55 DIVJAK Carol Socialist Equality party
56 MARKWELL Andrew Family First
57 GRAY Kathy Family First
58 McNEALL Richard Keith Conservatives for Climate and Environment
59 MAXFIELD James David Conservatives for Climate and Environment
60 GEREMIN John Non-Custodial Parents
61 FOSTER Roland Non-Custodial Parents
62 BRIDGE Garth Fishing Party
63 PATERSON Stewart Fishing Party
64 McLENNAN Toni Hear Our Voice
65 CARROLL Lindsay Hear Our Voice
66 COONAN Helen Liberal Party
67 WILLIAMS John National Party
68 PAYNE Marise Liberal Party
69 LEES Murray National Party
70 McGAHEY Vicky Liberal Party
71 CURRIE Carolyn Liberal Party
72 LAWLER Ann Citizens Electoral Council
73 McCAFFREY Ian David Citizens Electoral Council
74 NEWSON Judith One Nation
75 WEBBER Andrew One Nation
76 BUSSA Peter One Nation
77 FREW Andy One Nation
78 BURSTON Brian Pauline's United Australia Party
79 CARTER John E Pauline's United Australia Party
The Greens
1 NETTLE Kerry Greens
2 SHOEBRIDGE David Greens
3 ELLA-DUNCAN Marcia Greens
4 MUNDEY Jack Greens
5 HO Christina Greens
6 HEILPERN Sandra Greens
7 NEWELL Patrice Climate Change Coalition
8 KRUSZELNICKI Karl Climate Change Coalition
9 CAINES Justine What Women Want
10 ROBINSON Janette What Women Want
11 BAINBRIDGE Alex Socialist Alliance
12 PRICE Susan Socialist Alliance
13 EMANUEL Kamala Socialist Alliance
14 DOBSON Tim Socialist Alliance
15 WOLDRING Klaas Independent
16 BRADLEY Max Independent
17 BRYCE Ian R Independent
18 AUGUST John P Independent
19 SHUMACK Lyn Australian Democrats
20 KING David Australian Democrats
21 PATERSON Brett Australian Democrats
22 CARTER Marylou Carers Alliance
23 BROWN Nell Carers Alliance
24 REILLY Pat Senator On-Line
25 DER SARKISSIAN Berge Senator On-Line
26 CLARK Katrina Carers Alliance
27 MOCKLER Mary Carers Alliance
28 TINYOW Walter Independent
29 CHAN Maria Independent
30 BEAMS Nick Socialist Equality party
31 DIVJAK Carol Socialist Equality party
32 McLENNAN Toni Hear Our Voice
33 CARROLL Lindsay Hear Our Voice
34 ARBIB Mark Labor Party
35 CAMERON Doug Labor Party
36 STEPHENS Ursula Labor Party
37 ESBER Pierre Labor Party
38 SEATON Fiona Labor Party
39 JAMES Pauline Labor Party
40 McNEALL Richard Keith Conservatives for Climate and Environment
41 MAXFIELD James David Conservatives for Climate and Environment
42 PETERSEN Terje Liberty and Democracy Party
43 BEREGSZASZI Janos Liberty and Democracy Party
44 MARKWELL Andrew Family First
45 GRAY Kathy Family First
46 O'DONOHUE Michael Democratic Labor Party
47 O'DONOHUE Terence Markham Democratic Labor Party
48 BRIDGE Garth Fishing Party
49 PATERSON Stewart Fishing Party
50 LAWLER Ann Citizens Electoral Council
51 McCAFFREY Ian David Citizens Electoral Council
52 BORSAK Robert Australian Shooters Party
53 SHAW Robert Australian Shooters Party
54 MUIRHEAD Jim Australian Shooters Party
55 HESTELOW Andrew Australian Fishing and Lifestyle Party
56 MORGAN Thomas Idris Australian Fishing and Lifestyle Party
57 GEREMIN John Non-Custodial Parents
58 FOSTER Roland Non-Custodial Parents
59 BURSTON Brian Pauline's United Australia Party
60 CARTER John E Pauline's United Australia Party
61 GREEN Paul Christian Democrats
62 NILE Elaine Christian Democrats
63 LOTFIZADEH Allan Christian Democrats
64 PILT Peter Christian Democrats
65 YORK Bruce Christian Democrats
66 NEWSON Judith One Nation
67 WEBBER Andrew One Nation
68 BUSSA Peter One Nation
69 FREW Andy One Nation
70 NADAS Paula Independent
71 LEVY Curtis Independent
72 NERO Silvana Independent
73 STEFANAC Jennifer Independent
74 COONAN Helen Liberal Party
75 WILLIAMS John National Party
76 PAYNE Marise Liberal Party
77 LEES Murray National Party
78 McGAHEY Vicky Liberal Party
79 CURRIE Carolyn Liberal Party
Family First
1 MARKWELL Andrew Family First
2 GRAY Kathy Family First
3 CARTER Marylou Carers Alliance
4 BROWN Nell Carers Alliance
5 CLARK Katrina Carers Alliance
6 MOCKLER Mary Carers Alliance
7 PETERSEN Terje Liberty and Democracy Party
8 BEREGSZASZI Janos Liberty and Democracy Party
9 NEWELL Patrice Climate Change Coalition
10 KRUSZELNICKI Karl Climate Change Coalition
11 McNEALL Richard Keith Conservatives for Climate and Environment
12 MAXFIELD James David Conservatives for Climate and Environment
13 BRIDGE Garth Fishing Party
14 PATERSON Stewart Fishing Party
15 GEREMIN John Non-Custodial Parents
16 FOSTER Roland Non-Custodial Parents
17 BURSTON Brian Pauline's United Australia Party
18 CARTER John E Pauline's United Australia Party
19 GREEN Paul Christian Democrats
20 NILE Elaine Christian Democrats
21 LOTFIZADEH Allan Christian Democrats
22 PILT Peter Christian Democrats
23 YORK Bruce Christian Democrats
24 McLENNAN Toni Hear Our Voice
25 CARROLL Lindsay Hear Our Voice
26 BORSAK Robert Australian Shooters Party
27 SHAW Robert Australian Shooters Party
28 MUIRHEAD Jim Australian Shooters Party
29 HESTELOW Andrew Australian Fishing and Lifestyle Party
30 MORGAN Thomas Idris Australian Fishing and Lifestyle Party
31 O'DONOHUE Michael Democratic Labor Party
32 O'DONOHUE Terence Markham Democratic Labor Party
33 NEWSON Judith One Nation
34 WEBBER Andrew One Nation
35 BUSSA Peter One Nation
36 FREW Andy One Nation
37 COONAN Helen Liberal Party
38 WILLIAMS John National Party
39 PAYNE Marise Liberal Party
40 LEES Murray National Party
41 McGAHEY Vicky Liberal Party
42 CURRIE Carolyn Liberal Party
43 ARBIB Mark Labor Party
44 CAMERON Doug Labor Party
45 STEPHENS Ursula Labor Party
46 ESBER Pierre Labor Party
47 SEATON Fiona Labor Party
48 JAMES Pauline Labor Party
49 REILLY Pat Senator On-Line
50 DER SARKISSIAN Berge Senator On-Line
51 NADAS Paula Independent
52 LEVY Curtis Independent
53 NERO Silvana Independent
54 STEFANAC Jennifer Independent
55 LAWLER Ann Citizens Electoral Council
56 McCAFFREY Ian David Citizens Electoral Council
57 BAINBRIDGE Alex Socialist Alliance
58 PRICE Susan Socialist Alliance
59 EMANUEL Kamala Socialist Alliance
60 DOBSON Tim Socialist Alliance
61 BEAMS Nick Socialist Equality party
62 DIVJAK Carol Socialist Equality party
63 TINYOW Walter Independent
64 CHAN Maria Independent
65 WOLDRING Klaas Independent
66 BRADLEY Max Independent
67 BRYCE Ian R Independent
68 AUGUST John P Independent
69 CAINES Justine What Women Want
70 ROBINSON Janette What Women Want
71 SHUMACK Lyn Australian Democrats
72 KING David Australian Democrats
73 PATERSON Brett Australian Democrats
74 NETTLE Kerry Greens
75 SHOEBRIDGE David Greens
76 ELLA-DUNCAN Marcia Greens
77 MUNDEY Jack Greens
78 HO Christina Greens
79 HEILPERN Sandra Greens
1 SHUMACK Lyn Australian Democrats
2 KING David Australian Democrats
3 PATERSON Brett Australian Democrats
4 NEWELL Patrice Climate Change Coalition
5 KRUSZELNICKI Karl Climate Change Coalition
6 CARTER Marylou Carers Alliance
7 BROWN Nell Carers Alliance
8 CLARK Katrina Carers Alliance
9 MOCKLER Mary Carers Alliance
10 McLENNAN Toni Hear Our Voice
11 CARROLL Lindsay Hear Our Voice
12 WOLDRING Klaas Independent
13 BRADLEY Max Independent
14 PETERSEN Terje Liberty and Democracy Party
15 BEREGSZASZI Janos Liberty and Democracy Party
16 BRYCE Ian R Independent
17 AUGUST John P Independent
18 NERO Silvana Independent
19 CAINES Justine What Women Want
20 ROBINSON Janette What Women Want
21 NETTLE Kerry Greens
22 SHOEBRIDGE David Greens
23 ELLA-DUNCAN Marcia Greens
24 MUNDEY Jack Greens
25 HO Christina Greens
26 HEILPERN Sandra Greens
27 GEREMIN John Non-Custodial Parents
28 FOSTER Roland Non-Custodial Parents
29 O'DONOHUE Michael Democratic Labor Party
30 O'DONOHUE Terence Markham Democratic Labor Party
31 BAINBRIDGE Alex Socialist Alliance
32 PRICE Susan Socialist Alliance
33 EMANUEL Kamala Socialist Alliance
34 DOBSON Tim Socialist Alliance
35 BEAMS Nick Socialist Equality party
36 DIVJAK Carol Socialist Equality party
37 ARBIB Mark Labor Party
38 CAMERON Doug Labor Party
39 STEPHENS Ursula Labor Party
40 ESBER Pierre Labor Party
41 SEATON Fiona Labor Party
42 JAMES Pauline Labor Party
43 McNEALL Richard Keith Conservatives for Climate and Environment
44 MAXFIELD James David Conservatives for Climate and Environment
45 TINYOW Walter Independent
46 CHAN Maria Independent
47 COONAN Helen Liberal Party
48 WILLIAMS John National Party
49 PAYNE Marise Liberal Party
50 LEES Murray National Party
51 McGAHEY Vicky Liberal Party
52 CURRIE Carolyn Liberal Party
53 REILLY Pat Senator On-Line
54 DER SARKISSIAN Berge Senator On-Line
55 NADAS Paula Independent
56 LEVY Curtis Independent
57 STEFANAC Jennifer Independent
58 BORSAK Robert Australian Shooters Party
59 SHAW Robert Australian Shooters Party
60 MUIRHEAD Jim Australian Shooters Party
61 HESTELOW Andrew Australian Fishing and Lifestyle Party
62 MORGAN Thomas Idris Australian Fishing and Lifestyle Party
63 BRIDGE Garth Fishing Party
64 PATERSON Stewart Fishing Party
65 NEWSON Judith One Nation
66 WEBBER Andrew One Nation
67 BUSSA Peter One Nation
68 FREW Andy One Nation
69 BURSTON Brian Pauline's United Australia Party
70 CARTER John E Pauline's United Australia Party
71 MARKWELL Andrew Family First
72 GRAY Kathy Family First
73 LAWLER Ann Citizens Electoral Council
74 McCAFFREY Ian David Citizens Electoral Council
75 GREEN Paul Christian Democrats
76 NILE Elaine Christian Democrats
77 LOTFIZADEH Allan Christian Democrats
78 PILT Peter Christian Democrats
79 YORK Bruce Christian Democrats

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